© Anja Kortmann - Das Bergische

1000-jährige Dorfkirche in Nümbrecht

Short facts

  • Nümbrecht

The 1000-year-old village church in Nümbrecht is particularly impressive because of its age and mixture of styles.

The features of the church are the massive Romanesque tower, the heavy early medieval pillars and belt arches in the interior, the delicately structured Gothic choir, the shallow vaults (end of the 17th century) and the Baroque tower dome. The headmaster pieces (organ prospect, communion table and pulpit) also date from the end of the 17th century, when a dynasty of their own ruled at Homburg Castle, which also used the Nümbrecht parish church as a place of worship for the princely court. The sequence of pictures on the pulpit and the heads on the legs of the communion table are unusual, probably unique works of art. The fresco in the choir of the church, which has been uncovered again, probably dates from around 1500 and shows the church fathers Jerome and Ambrose, who achieved importance as translators and interpreters of the Bible. The oldest bell in the church dates from 1772.
In the 19th century, the church was also the preaching place of the important revivalist preacher and pastor Jakob Gerhard Engels, after whom a street and a large diaconal institution are named in Nümbrecht. The consequences of his beneficial work can still be seen today in the lively church community.
Some finds from the excavations in the church are on display in a showcase at the back of the church.

From 01 May - 31 October, the 1000-year-old church is open daily except Mondays from 14:30 - 17:00. Longer opening hours and public tours are available on the annual "Open Monument Day", always on the second Sunday in September.

Visits (also possible during the winter break) by appointment with the sexton on tel. 0175-9177462.

Good to know


1000-jährige Dorfkirche in Nümbrecht
Alte Poststraße 2
51588 Nümbrecht

Phone: +49 2293 / 6772
Website: www.ev-kirche-nuembrecht.de

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